Monday, July 20, 2009


This confronting movie is a bit of an epic. Filmed over many years it follows the life of Jack Charles. He was involved in founding an indigenous theatre company but becomes involved in the drug scene. He lives rough and there are lots of shots from around the traps in Melbourne. It shows him living in a laundry of an apartment block.

The few scenes where it actually shows him shooting up shock. But in context I think it is important. This is a no holds back approach. I wonder whether the producer/director became too involved but it would not have allowed you to become involved as well if they didn’t.

The one relationship he did have was with a man. It was handled quickly and not fully explained. However he just said they clicked and then it seemed unclicked just as quick and has never had any more to do with him even though he said he loved him dearly.

The scenes of him standing outside houses he has “burged” seem amusing but also represent the depths of depravity this man had fallen. His attitude was all very cavalier. When he robbed a friend of a family heirloom with special significance he really was not remorseful but rather more concerned about the consequences of the cops. When the producer tells him the police will be turning up the next day to get him…he just says oh well I wont be here then.

Having him at the movie gave it even more reasonance. Now 60+ you hope for a better life for him but he has travelled a rough path. His ability to face it has to be admired but you have to wonder 1. whether he has learnt anything or 2 what he makes of it. He took the approach that he just wanted people to know that everyone has a story and that is true.

(nb I was shocked to learn that his brother is one of the characters you occasionally see on Brunswick St. He is almost illiterate and very hard to understand. He reeks and invades your personal space. But hearing his story is gutwrenching. He was put in Ararat psyche unit and abused. It gives you some understanding as to why he is.)

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