Monday, July 20, 2009

With Gilbert and George

Art for all. That is their motto – albeit even if they are sure that they get their slice. I was enthralled by this movie. To actually see how they live. To hear them talk and finish each others sentences. To seem them sing “underneath the arches” as an installation piece. To see their work evolve. To see them compliment one another. To see the house in which they live. All this kept me entertained.

When they first bought the house in east London they didn’t furnish it and people said it was wonderful. They then proceeded to go out and fill it full of treasures to the point where it is bulging at the seams. This is their contradiction. If people say to do something they are more than likely to do the opposite.

They have managed to keep their finger on the pulse. The concepts for their exhibitions have kept abreast. You wonder how long they can keep being avante guarde but good luck to them. Long may it last. True eccentrics.

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