Saturday, August 1, 2009

Che (1) and (11)

The first part covers up to the early 60's and his time working with Fidel Castro. It goes through the beginnings of "their revolution". The struggle to form a cohesive group. It makes Che seem like he was subordinate to Castro. He was being pushed and shoved around performing different duties. There were a few good lines in it but what struck me is the impact it had on me. I suppose it made me realise what a pacifist I really am. I don't believe that killing someone is really justifiable even in war. It also had some fairly ad hoc scenes from his time in NY and speaking to the UN.

Part 11 covered his time in Boliviar and forming a new unit to struggling against the system there. They went into hiding with select group training them for a year until the government stepped in and found them. They were in a very remote part of the country and although there was reference to the fact they were receiving international support (Satre and Brandt were mentioned) they had to almost beg for food or pay exhorbitant prices for food from the locals. It was an operation which never really had the feel of success about it.

Overall it is interesting but I am not sure about how well it achieved the integration of some scenes. The bouncing back and forth from Cuba to NY and Mexico wasn't explained very well. The contrast was great and should have been done better. I suppose I would be interested to find out the impact on people. It is hardly a film where you come out admiring the man. However his image lives as I know from my time in Argentina.

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