Sunday, August 9, 2009

Food Inc.

This movie is about the industry of producing food. It delves into a number of issues. Chicken farms and the use chemicals in the food production line and its impact. It shows how multinationals dictate the market place contrasted with the "simple life" of an organic farmer who sells his produce at a farmers market. In an ideal world who wouldn't adopt better practices...but with burgeoning populations are we moving into a Darwinian situation. There is some steps you can take...esp. given the subsidies being paid by government to various "unhealthy" industries. There are a number of arms to this movie. The mother whose child died as a result of eating a hamburger who is pushing for law reform...and the wall she is against. The increase in diabetes and obesity as a result of high calorie sugar laden food. Genetic engineering and the impact multinationals have on this...particularly when they own a new strain such as Monsanto with the soy bean. I did come home and look up their website and love the fact the movie has 10 simple steps to become involved on their website -

This is a movie that will have impact - whether it is enough to make major change is yet to be seen but its ramifications is likely to be ongoing. At the end of the day we aim for betterment...don't we!!!

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